Delivering long-term value through experience and expertise

Explore our operations by country

Located in three high yield areas within Egypt, our operations in Ras El Ush, South East Ras El Ush and East Gabel El Zeit are fully operational and integrated within our portfolio with the ability to increase our ability to expand our production


Working interest
Pacific oil is the operator with 50% participating interest with
Zarubezhneft JSC
68 kmsq
Area volume

the block covers an area of 68 sq km and
has commercial oil and gas discoveries
with complete 3d seismic data

Number of barrels

Two drilled wells within the block have produced more than 5300 barrels of oil per day and 18 million standard cubic feet of gas per day during production testing

the block has proved and probable reserve of 25 mmbbls of oil based on competent persons report

Covering an estimated 38,000 square kilometres, the Suez basin has a total of 123 producing fields, which yield an annual production of approximately 180MMBO. According to recent data, the basin has reserves of 4.35 billion BOE

Having been awarded working interest and operatorship in the Gebel El Zeit Onshore & Offshore Concession, we selectively chose the South Ras El Ush (REU) concession for our initial footprint where we hold an 82 percent share of the concessions rights, covering a total area of 9.31 square kilometres in the Gulf of Suez

With current production operating from seven wells, with upside potentials to the north and south, the block provides a rich source of current production and substantial potential for the future

Our commitment to sustainability is part of our ethos and drives the fundamental principles of our strategy

Our team is composed of passionate individuals with a holistic approach towards growth and sustainability